Interface | Description |
Auctioneer |
An Auctioneer is a type of ShopKeeper that wants customers to bid
higher prices on items instead of simply buying them.
Banker |
A Banker is a kind of shopkeeper that belongs to a "chain" which
shares access to a common store of player/clan accounts to hold money
and items.
Deity |
A Deity is a type of mob that provides benefits (and punishments) for
players that worship them, especially Clerics.
Deity.DeityWorshipper |
Helper interface for the deity to identify worshippers and
other things associated with a specific deity.
Librarian |
A Librarian is a kind of shopkeeper that belongs to a "chain" which
shares access to a common store of shop items.
A MOB is a creature in the system, from a user down to a goblin.
PostOffice |
A PostOffice is a kind of shopkeeper that belongs to a "chain" which
shares access to a common store of post office boxes to hold items
for players.
Class | Description |
Librarian.CheckedOutRecord |
A class to hold information about a checked-out book
PostOffice.MailPiece |
Represents a complete mail package/letter, postal
Enum | Description |
Deity.HolyEvent |
Enum for different categories of holy events that can occur.
Deity.RitualType |
The types of rituals that deities will watch for from their
worshippers and clerics.
MOB.Attrib |
Enum for the MOB Attributes, which will also return
whether the attribute is intuitively reversed (so
Setting turns it off instead of on) and a longer
description string.