public interface GenericBuilder extends CMLibrary
Modifier and Type | Interface | Description |
static class |
GenericBuilder.GenItemBonusFakeStats |
An enum for properties found on
Item objects that are derivative,
or otherwise not available in
this form from the Modifiable
static class |
GenericBuilder.GenItemCode |
Enum for the most basic fields common to
all objects that implement the Item interface.
static class |
GenericBuilder.GenMOBBonusFakeStats |
An enum for properties found on
MOB objects that are derivative,
or otherwise not available in
this form from the Modifiable
static class |
GenericBuilder.GenMOBCode |
The basic enum of GenMOB Modifiable
codes used by the Modifiable interface
on all mob derivatives.
static class |
GenericBuilder.GenPhysBonusFakeStats |
An enum for properties found on
many different Physical objects
that are derivative, or otherwise
not available from the Modifiable
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
void |
addAutoPropsToAreaIfNecessary(Area newArea) |
Called when a new area enters the game in order to add any
Automatic/Default properties to the area that are specified
in the INI file.
java.lang.String |
addItemsFromXML(java.lang.String xmlBuffer,
java.util.List<Item> addHere,
Session S) |
Given a String xml document containing a ITEMs tag, this will build a
set of item objects and add them to the given list.
java.lang.String |
addItemsFromXML(java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> xml,
java.util.List<Item> addHere,
Session S) |
Given a pre-parsed xml document containing a ITEMs tag, this will build a
set of item objects and add them to the given list.
java.lang.String |
addMOBsFromXML(java.lang.String xmlBuffer,
java.util.List<MOB> addHere,
Session S) |
Given a string xml document containing a MOBS tag, this will build a
set of mob objects and add them to the given list.
java.lang.String |
addMOBsFromXML(java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> xml,
java.util.List<MOB> addHere,
Session S) |
Given a pre-parsed xml document containing a MOBS tag, this will build a
set of mob objects and add them to the given list.
java.lang.String |
addPlayersAndAccountsFromXML(java.lang.String xmlBuffer,
java.util.List<PlayerAccount> addAccounts,
java.util.List<MOB> addMobs,
Session S) |
Creates player account objects and player character MOB objects from the
given XML document.
Area |
copyArea(Area A,
java.lang.String newName,
boolean setSavable) |
This makes either a full database, or simple memory copy
of the given area with the given new name
java.lang.String |
fillAreaAndCustomVectorFromXML(java.lang.String buf,
java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> area,
java.util.List<CMObject> custom,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> externalFiles) |
An xml helper function that merely parses the given xml document containing an AREA tag
into its various content tags, and puts them into the given area list.
java.lang.String |
fillAreasVectorFromXML(java.lang.String buf,
java.util.List<java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag>> areas,
java.util.List<CMObject> custom,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> externalFiles) |
An xml helper function that merely parses the given xml document containing an AREAS tag
into its various AREA tags, and puts the contents into the given areas list.
java.lang.String |
fillCustomVectorFromXML(java.lang.String xml,
java.util.List<CMObject> custom,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> externalFiles) |
Given a string xml document with CUSTOM tag containing generic races, classes, and
external files and scripts, this method will recreate the appropriate objects to
populate into the custom list, and separate file paths from their string contents
into the externalFiles map.
void |
fillFileMap(Environmental E,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Set<Environmental>> H) |
Attempts to fill the given map of script file paths to set of object that use the
void |
fillFileSet(Environmental E,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> H) |
Attempts to fill the given set full of script file paths from the object
given by recursively inspecting it for embedded scripts, digging into
mob and store inventory and so forth.
java.lang.String |
getAccountXML(PlayerAccount account,
java.util.Set<CMObject> custom,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files) |
Given a player account, this will return an XML document of the account objects, as
well as all characters contained in the account.
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
getAllGenStats(Physical P) |
Returns the list of basic generic state codes applicable
to the given object.
java.lang.String |
getAnyGenStat(Physical P,
java.lang.String stat) |
Returns the value of the given stat on the given object,
even if the object is not generic.
java.lang.String |
getAreaObjectXML(Area area,
Session S,
java.util.Set<CMObject> custom,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files,
boolean andRooms) |
Generates an xml document of the given area, and optionally all of its rooms.
java.lang.String |
getAreaXML(Area area,
Session S,
java.util.Set<CMObject> custom,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files,
boolean andRooms) |
Generates an xml document of the given area, and optionally all of its rooms.
java.lang.String |
getCharStateStr(CharState E) |
Given the CharState object, returns the encoded string
representing the values in the object.
java.lang.String |
getCharStatsStr(CharStats E) |
Given the CharStats object, returns the encoded string
representing the values in the object.
java.lang.String |
getCodedSpellsOrBehaviors(PhysicalAgent I) |
Returns all of the given effect Abilities on the given Affectable as a semicolon delimited
string of Ability IDs.
java.util.List<CMObject> |
getCodedSpellsOrBehaviors(java.lang.String spells) |
Parses the coded effects available from an ability parameter column and generates
the Ability objects with any parameters of their own.
java.lang.String |
getEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental E,
boolean fromTop) |
Gives an environmental object of a more basic sort, such as a mob or item,
this will return the XML representation of that object.
java.lang.String |
getExtraEnvironmentalXML(Environmental E) |
From the given Environmental, returns xml of certain object
settings that come from the objects most basic interfaces,
such as Physical, Economic, PhysicalAgent, extra bonus stats,
and scripts.
java.lang.String |
getFactionXML(MOB mob,
java.util.List<Pair<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>> lst) |
Converts all the faction values and associations on the given
mob or list into a complete xml doc for storage in the db.
java.lang.String |
getFinalStatName(java.lang.String stat) |
Removes any qualifying prefixes from stat names, to
reveal the underlying stat code.
java.lang.String |
getGenAbilityXML(Ability A) |
Given an ability, including a generic one, this will construct
an xml document representing the ability.
int |
getGenItemCodeNum(java.lang.String code) |
Returns the ordinal of the given code in the basic
genitem stat codes.
java.lang.String |
getGenItemStat(Item I,
java.lang.String code) |
Gets the value of a basic genitem stat, even if the mob given
is not generic.
int |
getGenMobCodeNum(java.lang.String code) |
Returns the ordinal of the given code in the basic
genmob stat codes.
java.lang.String |
getGenMobStat(MOB M,
java.lang.String code) |
Gets the value of a basic genmob stat, even if the mob given
is not generic.
java.lang.String |
getGenMOBTextUnpacked(MOB mob,
java.lang.String newText) |
Confirms the length of a misc text XML document for a
generic mob, and if it is stored in the DB, retreives it
before returning the final misc text xml document.
java.lang.String |
getGenScriptsXML(PhysicalAgent E,
boolean includeVars) |
If the given PhysicalAgent contains any attached Scripts, this
will bundle them up into an XML document and return them.
java.lang.String |
getItemXML(Item item) |
Returns an xml document representing the given item, wrapped in a neat
ITEM tag.
java.lang.String |
getMobXML(MOB mob) |
Returns an xml document representing the given mob, wrapped in a neat
MOB tag.
java.lang.String |
getPhyStatsStr(PhyStats E) |
Given the PhyStats object, returns the encoded string
representing the values in the object.
java.lang.String |
getPlayerXML(MOB mob,
java.util.Set<CMObject> custom,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files) |
Give a player/character mob, this will return an xml document of the mob object,
as well as any items, etc contained therein.
java.lang.String |
getQuickName(java.lang.String classID,
java.lang.String miscText) |
Weird function.
java.lang.String |
getRoomItems(Room room,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<Item>> found,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files,
CMClass.CMObjectType type) |
Given a database room, this function will grab its real contents from
the database, and construct an xml document consisting of the unique
items in the room.
java.lang.String |
getRoomMobs(Room room,
java.util.Set<CMObject> custom,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<MOB>> found) |
Given a database room, this function will grab its real contents from
the database, and construct an xml document consisting of the unique
mobs in the room.
java.lang.String |
getRoomXML(Room room,
java.util.Set<CMObject> custom,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files,
boolean andContent) |
Generates an xml document of the given room, and optionally all of its contents.
int |
getSpecialEnvFlags(Environmental E) |
Some object types (items and exits) still
use a compressed numeric form for some of their
java.lang.String |
getUniqueItemsXML(java.util.List<Item> items,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<Item>> found,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files,
CMClass.CMObjectType type) |
Given a list of item objects, this will return an xml document of the set of
ITEMs, but only returning any unique item from the list, relegating dups
to the give map.
java.lang.String |
getUniqueMobsXML(java.util.List<MOB> mobs,
java.util.Set<CMObject> custom,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<MOB>> found) |
Given a list of mob objects, this will return an xml document of the set of
MOBs, but only returning any unique mobs from the list, relegating dups
to the give map.
java.lang.String |
getUnknownNameFromXML(java.lang.String xml) |
Given an xml document with a mob, item, or room, this will
return the value of the first NAME or RDISP tag found herein.
CMClass.CMObjectType |
getUnknownTypeFromXML(java.lang.String xml) |
Given an xml document that starts with a MOB, ITEM, AROOM, or
EXIT tag, this will return the appropriate CMOBjectType
java.lang.String |
getUnknownXML(Environmental obj) |
Given an item, mob, room, or exit, this will
return the full XML document for that object.
boolean |
isAnyGenStat(Physical P,
java.lang.String stat) |
Returns whether the given string represents any of the
"AnyGen" stat codes for the given type object, even if the
object is not generic.
Ammunition |
makeAmmunition(java.lang.String ammunitionType,
int number) |
Create a standard GenAmmunition Item, representing a bundle of ammo,
of the give type and number.
Room |
makeNewRoomContent(Room room,
boolean makeLive) |
Duplicates the contents of an official database room by
reloading the room and its contents into a new room
void |
populateShops(ShopKeeper shopKeep,
java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> buf) |
Given parsed xml tags, this method will extract the basic shop
settings into the given ShopKeeper object, as well as populate
the shop inventory itself from the given xml.
void |
resetGenMOB(MOB mob,
java.lang.String newText) |
Given a mob and its generic misc text, this method
will reset the mob with the given misc text values,
and reset its hit points, mana, etc.
void |
setAnyGenStat(Physical P,
java.lang.String stat,
java.lang.String value) |
Sets the value of the given stat on the given object,
even if the object is not generic.
void |
setAnyGenStat(Physical P,
java.lang.String stat,
java.lang.String value,
boolean supportPlusMinusPrefix) |
Sets the value of the given stat on the given object,
even if the object is not generic.
void |
setCharState(CharState E,
java.lang.String props) |
Sets the values in the given CharState object from the
encoded string.
void |
setCharStats(CharStats E,
java.lang.String props) |
Sets the values in the given CharStats object from the
encoded string.
void |
setGenItemStat(Item I,
java.lang.String code,
java.lang.String val) |
Sets the value of a basic genitem stat, even if the mob given
is not generic.
void |
setGenMobStat(MOB M,
java.lang.String code,
java.lang.String val) |
Sets the value of a basic genmob stat, even if the mob given
is not generic.
void |
setPhyStats(PhyStats E,
java.lang.String props) |
Sets the values in the given PhyStats object from the
encoded string.
void |
setSpecialEnvFlags(Environmental E,
int f) |
Some object types (items and exits) still
use a compressed numeric form for some of their
java.lang.String |
unpackAbilitiesFromXml(java.lang.String xml,
java.util.List<Ability> ables) |
Given an xml document containing one or more ABILITY tags, this will
parse out the Ability objects, including generic types, and add them
to the given list.
java.lang.String |
unpackAreaFromXML(java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> aV,
Session S,
java.lang.String overrideAreaType,
boolean andRooms,
boolean savable) |
Given a pre-parsed XML document containing an ACLAS tag, this method will unpack the given area
into an area object, optionally complete with rooms, items, mobs, etc.
Area |
unpackAreaObjectFromXML(java.lang.String xml) |
Unpack an XML document containing an AREA tag into an actual area object,
including any rooms, mobs, items, etc.
void |
unpackEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental E,
java.lang.String buf,
boolean fromTop) |
Given a string xml document, and an environmental to unpack the xml properties
into, this will, well, do that.
void |
unpackEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental E,
java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> V,
boolean fromTop) |
Given a parsed xml document, and an environmental to unpack the xml properties
into, this will, well, do that.
void |
unpackExtraEnvironmentalXML(Environmental E,
java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> buf) |
From the given XML tags, set certain given object settings
that come from the objects most basic interfaces, such as
Physical, Economic, PhysicalAgent, extra bonus stats
java.util.List<Pair<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>> |
unpackFactionFromXML(MOB mob,
java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> xml) |
Sets the faction values and associations on the given
mob from a pre-parsed xml doc.
void |
unpackGenScriptsXML(PhysicalAgent E,
java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> buf,
boolean restoreVars) |
From the given XML tags, set any object level Scripts attached to the
given PhysicalAgent object.
Item |
unpackItemFromXML(java.lang.String xmlBuffer) |
Given an xml document with a ITEM tag in it, this will extract and create the
associated item object.
unpackMobFromXML(java.lang.String xmlBuffer) |
Given an xml document with a MOB tag in it, this will extract and create the
associated mob object.
java.lang.String |
unpackRoomFromXML(Area forceArea,
java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> xml,
boolean andContent,
boolean andSave) |
Gives a parsed XML document containing the contents of room xml, with RCLAS tag, this
will extract the room, optionally including mobs/items inside it, and add it to
whatever world map area it belongs in, or the forced area if given.
java.lang.String |
unpackRoomFromXML(java.lang.String buf,
boolean andContent) |
Given an xml document containing an AROOM tag, this method will extract the room,
and optionally the mobs/items inside it, and add it to whatever world map area
it is supposed to belong to.
Environmental |
unpackUnknownFromXML(java.lang.String xml) |
Given an xml document for a single item, mob, room,
or exit, this will return the fully formed object
represented by the document.
activate, getServiceClient, L, propertiesLoaded, shutdown
copyOf, ID, initializeClass, name, newInstance
int getSpecialEnvFlags(Environmental E)
- the object to get envflags forsetSpecialEnvFlags(Environmental, int)
void setSpecialEnvFlags(Environmental E, int f)
- the object to set envflags forf
- the value of the special flagsgetSpecialEnvFlags(Environmental)
void addAutoPropsToAreaIfNecessary(Area newArea)
- the area to add things to, if necessaryRoom makeNewRoomContent(Room room, boolean makeLive)
- the room with an id to duplicatemakeLive
- true to make the room live, or false to leave passive and untickingjava.lang.String getGenAbilityXML(Ability A)
- the ability to get xml forunpackAbilitiesFromXml(String, List)
java.lang.String unpackAbilitiesFromXml(java.lang.String xml, java.util.List<Ability> ables)
- the xml document with AbILITY tagsables
- the list to put ability objects intogetGenAbilityXML(Ability)
Environmental unpackUnknownFromXML(java.lang.String xml)
- the xml documentgetUnknownXML(Environmental)
java.lang.String getUnknownXML(Environmental obj)
- the object to get xml forunpackUnknownFromXML(String)
CMClass.CMObjectType getUnknownTypeFromXML(java.lang.String xml)
- the xml document to get the type ofCMClass.CMObjectType
java.lang.String getUnknownNameFromXML(java.lang.String xml)
- the xml document to get a name fromgetUnknownTypeFromXML(String)
java.lang.String fillAreaAndCustomVectorFromXML(java.lang.String buf, java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> area, java.util.List<CMObject> custom, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> externalFiles)
- the xml document containing AREAS tagarea
- the list to put AREA tag contents intocustom
- the required list to put any generic races or classesexternalFiles
- the optional list to put a map of file paths to their contentsfillAreasVectorFromXML(String, List, List, Map)
java.lang.String fillAreasVectorFromXML(java.lang.String buf, java.util.List<java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag>> areas, java.util.List<CMObject> custom, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> externalFiles)
- the xml document containing AREAS tagareas
- the list to put AREA tag contents intocustom
- the required list to put any generic races or classesexternalFiles
- the optional list to put a map of file paths to their contentsfillAreaAndCustomVectorFromXML(String, List, List, Map)
java.lang.String fillCustomVectorFromXML(java.lang.String xml, java.util.List<CMObject> custom, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> externalFiles)
- the xml document containing the CUSTOM tagcustom
- required list to put genraces and classes intoexternalFiles
- null, or optional map to put filepaths, file contents intovoid unpackEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental E, java.lang.String buf, boolean fromTop)
- the environmental object to populatebuf
- the xml docfromTop
- true to unpack xml for standard objectsgetEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental, boolean)
unpackEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental, List, boolean)
void unpackEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental E, java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> V, boolean fromTop)
- the environmental object to populateV
- the parsed xml docfromTop
- true to unpack xml for standard objectsgetEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental, boolean)
unpackEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental, String, boolean)
java.lang.String getEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental E, boolean fromTop)
- the object to get xml forfromTop
- true to get all xml for a standard objectunpackEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental, List, boolean)
unpackEnvironmentalMiscTextXML(Environmental, String, boolean)
java.lang.String getRoomItems(Room room, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<Item>> found, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files, CMClass.CMObjectType type)
- the room to get items fromfound
- a map for keeping track of dupsfiles
- a set for any file paths usedtype
- the object type filterjava.lang.String addItemsFromXML(java.lang.String xmlBuffer, java.util.List<Item> addHere, Session S)
- the xml document with the ITEMs tagaddHere
- the list to add the item objects toS
- an optional session object for progressgetUniqueItemsXML(List, Map, Set, CMObjectType)
addItemsFromXML(List, List, Session)
java.lang.String addItemsFromXML(java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> xml, java.util.List<Item> addHere, Session S)
- the xml document with the ITEMs tagaddHere
- the list to add the item objects toS
- an optional session object for progressgetUniqueItemsXML(List, Map, Set, CMObjectType)
addItemsFromXML(String, List, Session)
Item unpackItemFromXML(java.lang.String xmlBuffer)
- the xml document with the item taggetUniqueItemsXML(List, Map, Set, CMObjectType)
addItemsFromXML(String, List, Session)
addItemsFromXML(List, List, Session)
java.lang.String getUniqueItemsXML(java.util.List<Item> items, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<Item>> found, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files, CMClass.CMObjectType type)
- the list of items to create xml forfound
- required map to keep track of dups, for some reasonfiles
- any script paths foundtype
- object type of item to grabgetItemXML(Item)
addItemsFromXML(String, List, Session)
addItemsFromXML(List, List, Session)
java.lang.String getItemXML(Item item)
- the item to get the xml ofaddItemsFromXML(String, List, Session)
addItemsFromXML(List, List, Session)
getUniqueItemsXML(List, Map, Set, CMObjectType)
java.lang.String getGenMOBTextUnpacked(MOB mob, java.lang.String newText)
- the mob whose misc text this isnewText
- the misc textvoid resetGenMOB(MOB mob, java.lang.String newText)
- the mob to repopulatenewText
- the misctext for the mobjava.lang.String addMOBsFromXML(java.lang.String xmlBuffer, java.util.List<MOB> addHere, Session S)
- the xml document with the MOBS tagaddHere
- the list to add the mob objects toS
- an optional session object for progressgetMobXML(MOB)
addMOBsFromXML(List, List, Session)
getUniqueMobsXML(List, Set, Set, Map)
java.lang.String getRoomMobs(Room room, java.util.Set<CMObject> custom, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<MOB>> found)
- the room to get mobs fromcustom
- a set for any generic classes or racesfiles
- a set for any file paths usedfound
- a map for keeping track of dupsjava.lang.String addMOBsFromXML(java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> xml, java.util.List<MOB> addHere, Session S)
- the xml document with the MOBS tagaddHere
- the list to add the mob objects toS
- an optional session object for progressgetMobXML(MOB)
addMOBsFromXML(String, List, Session)
getUniqueMobsXML(List, Set, Set, Map)
java.lang.String getMobXML(MOB mob)
- the mob to get the xml ofaddMOBsFromXML(String, List, Session)
addMOBsFromXML(List, List, Session)
getUniqueMobsXML(List, Set, Set, Map)
java.lang.String getUniqueMobsXML(java.util.List<MOB> mobs, java.util.Set<CMObject> custom, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<MOB>> found)
- the list of mobs to create xml forcustom
- any generic races/classes foundfiles
- any script paths foundfound
- required map to keep track of dups, for some reasongetMobXML(MOB)
addMOBsFromXML(List, List, Session)
addMOBsFromXML(String, List, Session)
MOB unpackMobFromXML(java.lang.String xmlBuffer)
- the xml document with the mob taggetUniqueMobsXML(List, Set, Set, Map)
addMOBsFromXML(List, List, Session)
addMOBsFromXML(String, List, Session)
java.lang.String unpackRoomFromXML(Area forceArea, java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> xml, boolean andContent, boolean andSave)
- null to use a map area, or an area object to add the room toxml
- the pre-parsed xml document containing room tagsandContent
- true to also build mobs/items, or false to ignore themandSave
- true to save the room to the db, or false to not.getRoomXML(Room, Set, Set, boolean)
java.lang.String unpackRoomFromXML(java.lang.String buf, boolean andContent)
- the xml document containing AROOM tagandContent
- true to also extract mob/items or false otherwisegetRoomXML(Room, Set, Set, boolean)
java.lang.String getRoomXML(Room room, java.util.Set<CMObject> custom, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files, boolean andContent)
- the room to generate an xml document forcustom
- optional set to put generic races/classes intofiles
- optional set to put the paths to scripts used in the roomandContent
- true to include mobs/items, false otherwiseunpackRoomFromXML(String, boolean)
unpackRoomFromXML(Area, List, boolean, boolean)
Area unpackAreaObjectFromXML(java.lang.String xml) throws CMException
- the xml document containing an AREA tagCMException
- any unpacking errors, bad xml, etcgetAreaObjectXML(Area, Session, Set, Set, boolean)
getAreaXML(Area, Session, Set, Set, boolean)
java.lang.String unpackAreaFromXML(java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> aV, Session S, java.lang.String overrideAreaType, boolean andRooms, boolean savable)
- parsed XML document of the inside of the AREA tag.S
- an optional session for monitoring, or nulloverrideAreaType
- null, or an area class idandRooms
- true to also unpack rooms, mobs, and items, false otherwisesavable
- true to save to the db and add to the mapgetAreaObjectXML(Area, Session, Set, Set, boolean)
getAreaXML(Area, Session, Set, Set, boolean)
java.lang.String getAreaXML(Area area, Session S, java.util.Set<CMObject> custom, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files, boolean andRooms)
- the area to generate an xml document forS
- optional session for progress messages, or nullcustom
- optional set to put generic races/classes intofiles
- optional set to put the paths to scripts used in the roomandRooms
- true to include rooms/mobs/items, false otherwiseunpackAreaFromXML(List, Session, String, boolean, boolean)
java.lang.String getAreaObjectXML(Area area, Session S, java.util.Set<CMObject> custom, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files, boolean andRooms)
- the area to generate an xml document forS
- optional session for progress messages, or nullcustom
- optional set to put generic races/classes intofiles
- optional set to put the paths to scripts used in the roomandRooms
- true to include rooms/mobs/items, false otherwiseunpackAreaFromXML(List, Session, String, boolean, boolean)
Ammunition makeAmmunition(java.lang.String ammunitionType, int number)
- the type of ammo "arrows" "bullets", etc.number
- the number of ammo in the bundlevoid populateShops(ShopKeeper shopKeep, java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> buf)
- the shopkeeper to populatebuf
- the parsed xml doc with STORE, etc tagsjava.lang.String getPlayerXML(MOB mob, java.util.Set<CMObject> custom, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files)
- the player/character mob to get the xml ofcustom
- optional set in which to capture custom classes, racesfiles
- optional set in which to capture script pathsaddPlayersAndAccountsFromXML(String, List, List, Session)
java.lang.String getAccountXML(PlayerAccount account, java.util.Set<CMObject> custom, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> files)
- the account to get the xml ofcustom
- optional set in which to capture custom classes, racesfiles
- optional set in which to capture script pathsaddPlayersAndAccountsFromXML(String, List, List, Session)
java.lang.String addPlayersAndAccountsFromXML(java.lang.String xmlBuffer, java.util.List<PlayerAccount> addAccounts, java.util.List<MOB> addMobs, Session S)
- the XML documentaddAccounts
- the list to put accounts intoaddMobs
- the list to put character mobsintoS
- an optional session object for interactiongetPlayerXML(MOB, Set, Set)
getAccountXML(PlayerAccount, Set, Set)
void fillFileSet(Environmental E, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> H)
- the top level object to dig for script pathsH
- the set of script paths foundfillFileMap(Environmental, Map)
void fillFileMap(Environmental E, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Set<Environmental>> H)
- the top level object to go digging for script pathsH
- the map to fill.fillFileSet(Environmental, Set)
java.lang.String getPhyStatsStr(PhyStats E)
- the PhyStats ObjectsetPhyStats(PhyStats, String)
java.lang.String getCharStateStr(CharState E)
- the CharState ObjectsetCharState(CharState, String)
java.lang.String getCharStatsStr(CharStats E)
- the CharStats ObjectsetCharStats(CharStats, String)
java.lang.String getExtraEnvironmentalXML(Environmental E)
- the object to give settings tounpackExtraEnvironmentalXML(Environmental, List)
getGenScriptsXML(PhysicalAgent, boolean)
java.lang.String getGenScriptsXML(PhysicalAgent E, boolean includeVars)
- the object that might be scriptedincludeVars
- true to return any vars alsounpackGenScriptsXML(PhysicalAgent, List, boolean)
void setCharStats(CharStats E, java.lang.String props)
- the CharStats object to alterprops
- the encoded valuesgetCharStatsStr(CharStats)
void setCharState(CharState E, java.lang.String props)
- the CharState object to alterprops
- the encoded valuesgetCharStateStr(CharState)
void setPhyStats(PhyStats E, java.lang.String props)
- the PhyStats object to alterprops
- the encoded valuesgetPhyStatsStr(PhyStats)
java.lang.String getQuickName(java.lang.String classID, java.lang.String miscText)
- the optional standard class id objectmiscText
- the optional xml document with NAME tagvoid unpackExtraEnvironmentalXML(Environmental E, java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> buf)
- the object to give settings tobuf
- the xml tags containing settingsgetExtraEnvironmentalXML(Environmental)
void unpackGenScriptsXML(PhysicalAgent E, java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> buf, boolean restoreVars)
- the object to give scripts tobuf
- the xml tags containing scriptsrestoreVars
- true to look for saved variables and restore themgetGenScriptsXML(PhysicalAgent, boolean)
void setAnyGenStat(Physical P, java.lang.String stat, java.lang.String value, boolean supportPlusMinusPrefix)
- the type of object to changestat
- the stat code to changevalue
- the new value for the statsupportPlusMinusPrefix
- true to support += prefixsetAnyGenStat(Physical, String, String)
getAnyGenStat(Physical, String)
isAnyGenStat(Physical, String)
void setAnyGenStat(Physical P, java.lang.String stat, java.lang.String value)
- the type of object to changestat
- the stat code to changevalue
- the new value for the statsetAnyGenStat(Physical, String, String, boolean)
getAnyGenStat(Physical, String)
isAnyGenStat(Physical, String)
java.lang.String getAnyGenStat(Physical P, java.lang.String stat)
- the type of object to readstat
- the stat code to readsetAnyGenStat(Physical, String, String)
setAnyGenStat(Physical, String, String, boolean)
isAnyGenStat(Physical, String)
boolean isAnyGenStat(Physical P, java.lang.String stat)
- the type of object to checkstat
- the stat code to checksetAnyGenStat(Physical, String, String)
setAnyGenStat(Physical, String, String, boolean)
getAnyGenStat(Physical, String)
java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAllGenStats(Physical P)
- the object to get stat codes forjava.lang.String getFinalStatName(java.lang.String stat)
- the possibly qualified stat codeint getGenItemCodeNum(java.lang.String code)
- the stat codegetGenItemStat(Item, String)
setGenItemStat(Item, String, String)
java.lang.String getGenItemStat(Item I, java.lang.String code)
- the item object to readcode
- the stat code to return the value ofgetGenItemCodeNum(String)
setGenItemStat(Item, String, String)
void setGenItemStat(Item I, java.lang.String code, java.lang.String val)
- the item object to modifycode
- the stat code to modifyval
- the value to set the stat togetGenItemStat(Item, String)
int getGenMobCodeNum(java.lang.String code)
- the stat codegetGenMobStat(MOB, String)
setGenMobStat(MOB, String, String)
java.lang.String getGenMobStat(MOB M, java.lang.String code)
- the mob object to readcode
- the stat code to return the value ofgetGenMobCodeNum(String)
setGenMobStat(MOB, String, String)
void setGenMobStat(MOB M, java.lang.String code, java.lang.String val)
- the mob object to modifycode
- the stat code to modifyval
- the value to set the stat togetGenMobStat(MOB, String)
Area copyArea(Area A, java.lang.String newName, boolean setSavable)
- the area to copy, including rooms, items, etc..newName
- the name of the area copysetSavable
- true to save to db, false for ramjava.lang.String getFactionXML(MOB mob, java.util.List<Pair<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>> lst)
- the mob to grab faction associations fromlst
- optional list to grab faction info fromunpackFactionFromXML(MOB, List)
java.util.List<Pair<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>> unpackFactionFromXML(MOB mob, java.util.List<XMLLibrary.XMLTag> xml)
- the mob to set faction associations onxml
- the list of pre-parsed xml tagsgetFactionXML(MOB, List)
java.lang.String getCodedSpellsOrBehaviors(PhysicalAgent I)
- the Affectable one to look at the effects ofAffectable.effects()
java.util.List<CMObject> getCodedSpellsOrBehaviors(java.lang.String spells)
- the coded ability parameter affectable effects stringAffectable.effects()